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The best 125cc electric motorcycle in the market

Which The best 125cc electric motorcycle in the market Current is a question that every user of this displacement has been done on occasion. In this entry, from Next Electric Motors we are willing to find out, although we will focus only on the electricity market.

To determine a winner, we would have to focus on very diverse aspects. For example, autonomy, maximum power, speed or weight of batteries. Of course we should not forget the price, as well as the possibility of finance the electric motorcycle. Definitely, The best 125cc quality-price motorcycle.

The best autonomy:

The million dollar question, How much autonomy do I need to reach my daily journeys?. If the answer is enough, such as 50-60 km per day (25 or 30 km of first leg and many others back) you will have to consider a motorcycle with great autonomy for recharge. The ideal would be more than 120 km per recharge to be able to load it every 2 days.
AND, What electric motorcycles of 125cc have an autonomy greater than 120 km per recharge?

Here is our top 3:

Silence S01: The S01, one of the great candidates, reaches an autonomy of 133 km per recharge. A battery more than proven and the most powerful in the market. Your only problem? The weight of it, this we will talk about later.

Next Mojito: The New Mojito, electric motorcycle that will begin to be served in April 2022, has a 200km autonomy per recharge with two integrated batteries. The weight is not one of the lightest, but it is reasonable for the cells that mounts.

Niu NQI GTS EXTENDED RANGE: It is, a version of the NIU NQI GTS but with extended autonomy. Since the first reached 90km per recharge. The GTS promises an autonomy of 115 km, more than considerable autonomy.

Battery weight:

He Batteries weight is also an extremely important factor Since if they weigh a lot, it can be a handicap when loading them. If you live on a floor, have to extract it and take it to the elevator is a fattening. And even more if we do not have an elevator ...
If on the contrary, we are lucky to live in a house with garage or some space to load it without the need to extract the batteries, this problem is solved. And, almost all of the electric motorcycles can be plugged directly to the current with the same charger.

As for the weight of the batteries, if we put them in the previous order, the classification would be in the same way:

Silence S01: This electric motorcycle has a battery that, in addition to very voluminous, is extremely heavy. Its weight is more than 30 kg per unit.
To solve this problem, the brand has devised a kind of cart with wheels to take it out and transport it. Something that is completely essential when it comes to extracting and manipulating the battery.
The cart is like this:

Silence S01 battery

Next Mojito: The New Mojito offers a weight of 20 kg per drums. Something heavy, but in the average of all the rest of the batteries with this capacity and autonomy.
The ASA facilitates the extraction of the battery for the load with normal loader. The batteries are 72v40ah, and are mounted in parallel.

Best 125cc electric motorcycle battery

Niu NQI: the Niu riddles light batteries, about 12 kg each. However, we talk about a lower autonomy since this motorcycle needs two 60v35ah batteries to achieve 90km per recharge. The greatest advantage is undoubtedly the weight, since they are very easy to extract and load anywhere where we are.


Electric motorcycle price

The price is the last determining factor Once we know the other characteristics of our future electric motorcycle. Electric motorcycles usually exceed € 3,000, although, depending on their characteristics they can exceed € 6,000. Let's go back to the previous category:

Silence S01: Silence S01, with the aforementioned features, has a € 6,250 PVP. It is the highest price of this selection, we understand by its high autonomy with a single battery. (133km per recharge).

Next Mojito: The price of the Next Mojito is € 3,499 with an integrated and € 4,399 battery with two batteries. With both batteries as we mentioned before, a 200km autonomy is achieved by recharge. (100 km with one).
This price is the current in pre-sales. And it is very possible that it goes a little when you start distributing to all customers.

Niu NQI: This electric motorcycle is priced at € 4,699 to the public, with both factory integrated batteries.

After having all this information and having compared the three main variants of an electric motorcycle: autonomy, batteries and price. We can already draw conclusions for ourselves to determine What would be the best 125cc electric motorcycle (at least for our personal circumstances). Since this issue will vary according to the specific needs of each individual.
Do you need a lot of autonomy? Do you prefer a cheaper option? Do you need a battery with little weight? Do you opt purely for aesthetics?
According to the answer to these questions, you can decide which is the best option in your case, and thus be sure you are acquiring Your best 125cc electric motorcycle :)

Even with doubts? We leave you ours YouTube channel so you can watch videos and technical specifications.
You can also check a 2022 electric motorcycle comparison in our blog by clicking here.

Think Electric, Think Next!