A few weeks ago we talked about 5 Advantages of having an electric motorcycle, where we said they are saving in cost of fuel, maintenance and taxes. But we do not get to deepen the savings of having an electric motorcycle in your day to day. In this post, we are going to scratch a little in the numbers to calculate how much money we are talking about.
Electricity vs. gasoline
What did you say Jack the Ripper: "We are going in parts."
First, we have fuel savings. An average citizen about 20 km a day in their displacements. This means that from Monday to Friday we travel 100kms. If we multiply for the 52 weeks that have a year, we do about 5.200kms per year in urban journeys: to go to work, to the gym, to make errands, go to the movies, small purchases, etc.

With current electricity rates (€ 0.11/kWh), traveling 100kms are approximately € electricity, which means a cost of € 0.003 per kilometer. Therefore, moving with our own electric motorcycle, we will have spent only € 15.6 per year in electricity (€ 0.003 x 5.200kms).
Electric motorcycle vs. gasoline motorcycle
Let's see now how much it costs to travel these same 5,200kms a year with an equivalent gasoline motorcycle. Assuming that the average consumption of a gasoline motorcycle is 4 liters per 100 km, we need 0.04 liters per kilometer. So we would need 208 liters (5,200kms x 0.04 liters) of gasoline for our daily paths.
At the time we publish this article, the average price of the liter of 95 gasoline in Spain is € 1.35. That is, a year we would be spending € 280.8 a year in gasoline (208 liters x € 1.35/liter).
On the other hand, we have the savings in maintenance and periodic reviews. Gasoline motorcycles need to perform annual maintenance to change filters, oils, spark plugs and other elements that are wearing with the kilometers. The cost of these reviews is very variable depending on the workshop to which we go, but the average is € 60 per year.

The case of electric motorcycles this expense in Annual maintenance is reduced to € 0, since the electric motor works without filters or oils and annual maintenance is not necessary. In this sense, it is the same as the engine of any appliance that we have at home, such as a washing machine or the air conditioning, which work year after year without the need for maintenance to the engine.
Taxes of an electric motorcycle
Finally, we have tax savings. In Spain, any vehicle whose CO2 emissions are less than or equal to 120g/km are exempt from paying registration tax. For this reason, any electric vehicle is exempt from paying said tax.
In addition, the circulation tax is bonus in most municipalities. However, we are not going to enter into the detail of the calculation of taxes since they depend on the vehicle against which we are comparing, as well as the municipality in which it is enrolled.
However, it is important to know that tax savings also exists with an electric motorcycle.
We leave you a Link to a blog where they talk about reduced VAT for electric vehicles.
A year we save 325 euros with an electric motorcycle
In summary, the savings of making the leap to electric mobility is € 265 (€ 280.8 - € 15.6) in gasoline + € 60 in maintenance + taxes. That is, a year we will be saving at least € 325.2 using an electric motorcycle as a daily means of transport.
Now the question is the usual:
Is it worth changing to an electric motorcycle?
And the answer is: Of course!
But of course it will depend on the price of the electric motorcycle that you want to buy and the gasoline motorcycle with which you are comparing.
Today, an equivalent motorcycle of gasoline ranges from € 2,000-2,500. To deserve, you would have to be able to amortize the initial extra cost in a reasonable amount of years, which will depend on each person.
In the case of Next Electric Motors, our electric motorcycles have a starting price of € 2,399. In this way, you get the savings from the moment you start your NX1 for the first time.
We also give you the insurance the first year! With what you save in every way.
If you want to know more about Next Electric Motors, visit our Web, and you can know how buy Your Next NX1 to start enjoying sustainable mobility.
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