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How to load an electric motorcycle properly?

In this article, we will teach you best practices to load your electric motorcycle and avoid problems. We will give you the final guide to load your electric motorcycle and guarantee good performance.

Best practices to load your electric motorcycle and avoid problems

Do you have an electric motorcycle? Are you about to buy one? Anyway, you should already know how to load the battery correctly.

In this article we tell you how you should make the load so that your motorcycle has optimal performance and thus avoid problems. Let's start!

Definitive guide with best practices to load your electric motorcycle and guarantee good performance

Here are the most recommended practices to take care of the Your electric motorcycle battery And later you will find the most common mistakes you should avoid.

Extend your battery life and reduce possible problems!:

Understand the load specifications of your electric motorcycle

The first thing you should do before loading your electric motorcycle is to read the manufacturer's specifications carefully. This includes the battery capacity, the type of plug that should be used and the recommended load voltage and amperage.

This information is essential since the way of loading the electric motorcycle is different according to the brand and the model.

Use a suitable charger

It is important to use an adequate charger for your motorcycle battery. It is best to always use an original charger. The one recommended by the manufacturer.

And, failing that, you must attend to the original specifications and look for another charger that meets the characteristics of what your motorcycle needs.

Load in a safe and adequate place

The battery charge of your electric motorcycle should be done in a safe and adequate place. Choose a location with good ventilation and avoid places with extreme temperatures.

In addition, make sure that the surface where you place the motorcycle during load is stable and free of objects that can interfere in the load.

Keep the battery clean and dry

Maintaining the battery of your clean and dry motorcycle is important to prolong its useful life. If the battery is dirty or wet, you can clean it gently with a dry cloth.

Monitor battery charge

Take an eye to the device to load your motorcycle during the load itself. Verify that everything is in order and if you notice any problem, such as a load too slow or too fast, stop the load and request technical assistance.

Load the battery before it is completely exhausted

It is advisable to load your electric motorcycle before your battery is completely exhausted. This will not only prolong the life of the battery, but will also avoid safety and performance problems.

Load the battery regularly

Regularity in loads is another favorable aspect for battery performance. Be sure to load the battery at least once every two weeks, even if you do not use it frequently.

Store the battery properly

If you are not going to use your electric motorcycle for a prolonged period, keep the battery in a cool and dry place. Before doing so, charge the battery at least 50% of its capacity.

5 common mistakes when loading the battery of your electric motorcycle that you should avoid

Use fast chargers

Using fast chargers is not recommended. Opt for loaders only approved by the manufacturer, even if the load time is greater, it will save you problems in the future.

Load the battery in excess

Do not exceed when loading the electric motorcycle. An excessive load can damage the battery and reduce its useful life.

Do not disconnect the battery after loading

Leaving the battery connected after loading it is another of the worst habits. You have to be pending and disconnect the battery when you touch.

Load the battery in a warm environment

Loading your electric motorcycle in a warm environment can accelerate the battery degradation process, reducing its performance and longevity. Therefore, as we have cited above, it loads its battery in a fresh and dry environment.

Do not let the battery cool before loading

It is important not to start the battery charge when it is still hot. It is advisable to let it breathe, cool and when the temperature has been reduced, start the load.

Types of battery loaders for electric motorcycles: What are the available options?

There are several types of battery loaders available in the market for electric motorcycles. Here are some of the most common options:

  • Level 1 loaders: This type of charger uses a 120 volt plug and connects directly to the wall outlet. They are portable and easy to use, but the load process can be slower than other types of loaders.
  • Level 2 loaders: This type of charger uses a 240 volt plug and is usually installed in a specific cargo station in the home or in a public loading station. The load time is faster than with level 1 loaders, but they are also more expensive.
  • Fast loaders (DC): These loaders allow the battery of an electric motorcycle to be loaded in a very short time (usually between 20 and 30 minutes). They use a CC plug and are ideal for public cargo stations on roads or urban areas. However, they are not usually recommended by manufacturers and are not the best option to load an electric motorcycle.
  • Portable loaders: These loaders are small and portable, and are connected directly to the electric motorcycle battery. Although they are ideal for emergencies or trips in which you do not have access to a power outlet, they are not a recommended option to optimize battery performance.

What is the useful life of an electric motorcycle battery?

The duration of an electric motorcycle battery depends on several factors, such as battery quality, the frequency of use and the way it is loaded and stored.

If maintenance is adequate, an electric motorcycle battery can last between 3 and 5 years, even more. Discover in the following link the best Battery care tips.

But if on the contrary, the maintenance and use given to the battery is not appropriate, the battery can lose its effectiveness in less than a year.

Do not forget to put each advice into practice and enjoy the motorcycle carefully! See you next time.

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