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Today we would like to talk about the Moves III Plan, and all the steps to request and carry it out.

The Moves III Plan is an aid provided by the Government which allows to finance the purchase of all types of electric vehicles and plug -in hybrids. The objective of this plan is to encourage the acquisition of these vehicles, with the views set at 2050, when all cars and motorcycles that circulate should be sustainable.

Only Electric vehicles of extended autonomy, plug -in hybrids, pure electric and fuel battery of up to 45,000 euros can be accepted to these aid (before taxes). Also pure electric vehicles of 8-9 seats of up to 53,000 euros (before taxes).

As for motorcycles, Electric motorcycles and tricycles can be accepted to the plan L3E, L4E and L5E. That is, all vehicles with two or three wheels of more than 50cc or a speed greater than 45 km/h.
Ciclomotor could not benefit from the subsidy.
But what should you know before requesting this plan? What are the conditions to obtain it?

1 - Economic conditions of the Moves III Plan

Regarding the aid in terms of economic conditions, it would be the following:
For the acquisition of cars at the particular level, the highest aid will be up to 7,000 euros Whenever a carbariento car is delivered with an antiquity greater than seven years.
For the purchase of a motorcycle, the aid is up to € 1,300. This whenever a combustion motorcycle is delivered for flattering, or € 1,100 if no motorcycle is delivered to flatter.

In addition, and as a novelty with respect to the previous Moves II, an increase in the Additional 10% in aid In the following cases:

  • Professional use as taxis or other type of mobility solutions (Uber, Cabify ...)
  • Registered in municipalities with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants
  • People with disabilities for reduced mobility.

For example, in the case of our NEXT ELECTRIC MOTOR motorcycles the aids would be the following:

With flattering

Without flattering


Not available

Not available

Next Mojito









If you want to acquire any of our bikes, you can do it through This link.

2- Who can request it:

The Moves Plan It can be requested by anyone who buys an electric vehicle, plug -in or rechargeable hybrid to batteries. Regardless of its economic capacity (income) or your family situation.
This help is not binding on personal situations as another type of aid. But with this plan it is intended to encourage the use and purchase of these vehicles to begin the transition towards sustainable mobility.

But, be careful! The holder must be the applicant. This subsidy cannot be applied, for example, to give a family member. If the vehicle holder is not the aid applicant the subsidy will be denied.

Also Electric mobility companies such as Sharing motorcycle fleets, or shopping for vehicle rentals. (Rent a cars). Or self -employed for work use.

Private individuals can only request nominal aid, while companies can request the aid of up to 50 vehicles.

3- Who processes the aid

This process is done, In most cases, the concessionaire where the motorcycle or car is acquired electric However, in certain autonomous communities it can be processed by the final customer that makes the purchase.
From Next we advise to ask in each company or concessionaire what is the procedure in the autonomous community that you are. You can also inform yourself of the requirements by communities through This official government page.

In addition, we must take into account that Companies and concessionaires can only process the Moves within its same autonomous community. For example, if a company is constituted in Madrid, it will not be able to process the Moves for a client that is registered in Andalusia or vice versa.
This is a great handicap for companies that sell in different communities, or online. Since they are forced to rely on local distributors to be able to request help from their customers.

Finally, indicate that Companies must wait to present before registered: In case of not being particular, autonomous or community of owners, the vehicle can not enroll/collect until your application is submitted.

4- Procedure to collect the Moves

In any case, and whatever the community where it is resided, the process to collect the Moves Plan is as follows:
The client asks the concessionaire or company for the Moves and, Once the vehicle is bought, the subsidy is received after. That is to say, The car or motorcycle is acquired and paid entirely In the first moment. Then he is sent to study by the Autonomous Community. Finally, When the aid is approved and the funds are released, the client charges the subsidy directly on your bank account.

When the Moves is for a car or motorcycle for Renting, it is the rental company who receives the help that will later be proportionally discounted from the monthly fees.

An important fact is to know that For recent purchases you can also request help. This means that if less than 9 months ago you bought the vehicle and did not know about Moves III, good news! You can still request it.

5- Dates to request the MOVES III Plan

This plan has been ongoing since April 2021. It was launched just at the end of the Moves II Plan, which had a great reception both among private clients and in companies.
The amount for this aid is 400,000,000 million euros, expandable up to 800,000,000 million.
The plan ends in 2023 or before if the money destined for this aid is exhausted.

Any doubt about the Moves Plan? We answer you!

Think Electric - Think Next!