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Payment methods and aid to acquire an electric motorcycle

Payment methods and aid to acquire an electric motorcycle

The motor world will always be present among all of us. The electric vehicles They are the order of the day, hence it is necessary to know everything about it. After identifying the different market products and deciding which is the most suitable motorcycle for your mobility, it is time to talk about payment methods. Thanks to one of the last entries uploaded to the blog, "Where to buy an electric motorcycle”We know what space Acquire the motorcycle, but the definitive action to have your own electric motorcycle is to pay it. Continue reading and you will discover valid information on how to buy an electric motorcycle.

What are the payment methods to acquire your electric motorcycle?

There are multiple payment methods To acquire the electric motorcycle that you like the most. Some of the payment methods that are going to speak in this blog post are renting, financing and cash payment. For example, Next Electric Motors has as main payment methods these last three, this is able to correctly sell the motorcycles to the customers that request them.


Renting is a long -term rental of fixed assets as vehicles that have a certain term with fixed income. Renting is a very good method to enjoy an electric vehicle, including additional services to the rental of good. The good thing about renting is that it is very comfortable, since it is not necessary to make an initial disbursement or borrow to use the vehicle.


Financing is a payment method in which future buyers come to their confidence banking for financing to pay for deadlines the electric vehicle. He is granted an amount and he must return it, together with interests, in a period marked in the contract. As they are electric vehicles that respect sustainability and the environment, the price is reduced in terms of the interest to be paid.

Cash payment

Cash payment does not work with payment terms, but is the method in which everything is paid at once. It is paid at the time of purchase and the purchased directly is received. Two other payment methods can be appointed which oppose cash payment, postponed payment or credit payment. Being a payment that is made at the right time in which the vehicle you want is chosen, the cash payment, with a bank card, check or transfer can be made. You already know the 3 most popular payment methods! It is very important to specify with the company to which the product s), the type of payment that will be made.

Do you know the aid they offer you to acquire an electric vehicle?

Didn't you know that they exist Aid For the acquisition of an electric vehicle? In addition to having multiple offers offered by the different brands dedicated to the Electric mobilityThe Government develops several subsidies for the electricity market. Some of the aids that have been raised and launched are the Prever Plan, 2000e, Pive ... today, the action of which is most talked about is the MOVES PLAN. If we enter the website of the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA), you can see the different parts of the process that must be taken into account in order to request help.

How to request the subsidies offered by the MOVES III Plan?

The Moves III Plan is an action launched by the Government in April 2021 to carry out the market of the electric motorcycles. A fund with 400 million euros was created to help the purchase of electric vehicles. In order to obtain the help from the Moves Plan it is necessary to follow the following steps: 1. Request aid, 2. Request sale documentation. The Government of Spain, demands certain requirements To consumers of electric vehicles in order to obtain the aid raised in the Moves III Plan:
  1. The amount of the vehicle that will be acquired should not exceed € 45,000 base (54,450 with VAT).
  2. Be a applicant for a new or semi -new electric vehicle with a maximum age of 12 months.
  3. Several documents that must be updated must be submitted (Copy of the vehicle's budget or sheet, copy of the NIF/DNI of the applicant, registration certificate in census of entrepreneurs, professionals and retainers for self -employed, responsible statement on the knowledge of the tax obligations of social security, declaration in which it ensures that it is not obtaining similar aids on the other hand, certificate of registration, and a certificate that accredits a disability or belonging to the taxi or VTC sector).
  4. Know the application process according to Autonomous Community, depending on the CA, the applicant or else the concessionaire must be carried out (Normally via online).
  5. The car for which the help of the Moves III Plan must be 100% electric and have an electrical autonomy of at least 30 kilometers.
  6. Aid can be offered to electric cars but also to plug -in hybrishes and hydrogen fuel cell (FCEV).
The amount given to consumers by the Moves III Plan varies according to the type of vehicle and the technology it uses. Everything is divided by categories in which all characteristics of electric vehicles are taken into account. There is more or less money in the event that it is bought with or without flattering, being the second cheapest. If the autonomy varies between 30 and 90 km/h aid of 2500 to 5000 euros are offered, and in the case of having more than 90 km/h of autonomy they are given help 4500 or 7000 euros. Taxi drivers and VTC can obtain a 10% incentive and the possibility of reducing the VAT that corresponds to them. You can no longer say that you don't know all the steps to acquire your own electric motorcycle! Do not hesitate, your motorcycle is waiting for you!