Sustainable tourism has become a rising trend worldwide. And it is not only worth being tourists and going on vacation. We want to do it in a responsible and respectful way to the planet.
This leads us to question, what are the keys to success for it? How can we find a balance for sustainable mobility? And above all, is it the electric vehicle A decisive factor to get it? But above all:
What is sustainable tourism?
Sustainable tourism is that tourism that follows the principles of sustainability. Reducing the impact on the environment and local culture possible. At the same time this type of tourism tries to contribute to generate income and employment for the local population.
The OTM (World Tourism Organization) created in 1975 defines it as "Tourism that fully takes into account the current and future repercussions".
In short, this tourism focuses on offering the user a sustainable alternative when choosing their vacations and is based on 3 fundamental pillars: economic, social and environmental.

Economic Pilar:
It is more than known that tourism is one of the pillars of economic our country, and that a large part of the population work or live on it. However, this also has a high cost, since many of these jobs are precarious or seasonal. In addition, in most cases the large tourist infrastructure have been created around tourism, without taking into account any type of local criteria or benefiting the population of the area.
With sustainable tourism, it is intended to ensure that these activities (jobs) last over time and that there is balance in the distribution of socioeconomic benefits. The main objective of this pillar is to generate stable employment, reduce poverty in native communities and, of course, to obtain social income and services.
Social Pilar:
The current tourism has a strong impact on the society that visitor receives. In fact, we have seen many cases in which the needs of tourists prevail above those of local culture. A clear example is that of tourist rentals. They have made many residents have been forced to leave the center of their cities because of the impossibility of paying income due to price increases.
Sustainable tourism is focused on respect for these premises. And it encourages that the visits generated are from what characterizes the society in question. It focuses on people, their culture, their values, their framework ...
Environmental pillar:
Without a doubt the greatest attraction of tourism is the site to visit, the landscape. But this is also the one that is destroyed more easily. Therefore, building tourist infrastructure can directly impact the landscape to visit.
For this same reason, tourism must serve as a means to protect resources and biosphere conservation. Only if we keep among all biological diversity there will be long -term tourism.
Of course, the way we move is also of vital importance. If we manage to move by public transport to our destination, we will have reduced our carbon footprint. If once there, we manage to move, or on an electric motorcycle, such as the NX1 We will have reduced it again.
Sustainable Tourism: Two examples to follow
Costa Rica is the first example to follow:
With more than the room in his country as a river forest and with coast both in the Caribbean and in the Pacific. Its biosphere is endless and even if it is a very small country, it gives the world 5% of its total biodiversity.
But this does not end here, Costa Rica produces 93% of its electricity from renewable sources and maintains 30% of its national territory.
Currently, it is one of the most sustainable countries and in it you can carry out all kinds of aquatic activities in the most ecological way possible.
Second, it's Palau, in Micronesia. In Palau, they encourage ecotourism and also attract university students to the island for studies of social and natural systems.
For their part in tourism, hotels organize ecological experiences in addition to cooking with native ingredients.
On the other hand, the island's visitors have to pay a sustainability rate as part of their visa at the entrance. In addition, they have to sign the "Palau Pledge", a commitment to be respectful of the environment.
Traveling without impact and sustainable tourism is possible. As it is to reduce the environmental impact in our day to day. With small gestures such as walking when possible. Take recycled bags to the supermarket, put a water filtration tap to avoid bottled water at home ... or of course move in electric motorcycle! As our fantastic NX1.

There are also enough tourist destinations where sustainable tourism is a reality. Have you been in any of them? Do you consider it as future destinations for your vacation? We read you!