As many of you will have heard, the new Municipal Ordinance of Sustainable Mobility that approved on October 5 the Madrid City Council will affect the way we have to move through the capital. The objective of this ordinance is to reduce the pollutant emissions of the capital about 40% to ensure that Madrid's air is more breathable and, incidentally, comply with the European demands in terms of air pollution.
Therefore, and although it is a municipal regulation of Madrid, we cannot rule out that municipalities from other cities adopt similar measures.
How does sustainable mobility regulations affect me if I have a motorcycle?
The new regulations not only affect cars, but also regulate motorcycles and cyclomotor. Therefore, then we will explain how it affects you if you conduct a motorcycle through the capital.
First, the ordinance feels its bases in the environmental stickers issued by the General direction of traffic to discriminate the most polluting vehicles.

The classification that establishes the mediating distinctive of the DGT for motorcycles is as follows:
- ZERO: Electric motorcycles with autonomy greater than 40kms.
- ECHO: Electric motorcycles with autonomy of less than 40kms.
- C: Motorcycles approved under the Euro 4 and Euro 3 regulations.
- B: Motorcycles approved under Euro 2 regulations.
In this way, the Madrid City Council has established 5 different scenarios for which it limits the circulation of the most polluting vehicles according to the levels of air pollution in the city.
- Scenario 1: No restrictions. Any vehicle can circulate.
- Scenario 2: Parking only for vehicles ZERO and echo. Prohibition of circulating without environmental distinctive in the M-30 and within the M-30.
- Scenario 3: Expansion of the prohibition of circulating without environmental distinctive to the entire city beyond the M-30.
- Scenario 4: Vehicles with environmental distinctive B may not circulate in the M-30 and within the M-30.
- Scenario 5: Circulation will only be allowed throughout the city of vehicles ZERO and echo. Parking limited to zero vehicles.
Finally, the called area has been determined Central Madrid Where only motorcycles with environmental distinctive distinctive can circulate, that is, the most pollutants will not be able to access it. In addition, motorcycles with distinctive B or C can only circulate from 7:00 to 22:00 except if they go to a parking lot.

How can I continue to circulate freely and without restrictions on motorcycle in Madrid?
Seeing the new municipal ordinance, the best options to continue enjoying the freedom to move through the city without restrictions and without worrying about which areas you can access or parking is through a motorcycle with badge Zero or echo.
In this sense, our electric motorcycle Next NX1, with 65kms of autonomy, it can circulate freely under any scenario and without any limitations when obtaining the badge ZERO. In addition, it is a light and agile motorcycle designed for urban use. So it is the ideal partner for your day to day in the city.
Discover all its advantages in the Web page.
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