We all know that atmospheric pollution caused by car and motorcycle exhaust pipes are more than harmful to the environment and for the air we breathe. But most of us have not really stopped to think about the risks that it entails for our personal health.

According to researchers from the National Health School, the impact that cars emissions in cities have had in 93,000 premature deaths in Spain over a whole decade. 93,000 deaths is the equivalent of 233 plane accidents in 10 years.
Atmospheric pollution and diesel war:
In recent months, we are seeing how from public administrations war has been declared to diesel. This is due to the high content of nitrogen dioxide they emit. However, they are not reason, since since the publication Environment International Nitrogen dioxide has caused 6,085 premature deaths that could have been avoided.
In addition, to this we should add the 499 deaths caused by the tropospheric ozone according to the publication Atmospheric Environment. And the 2,683 caused by particles in the air produced by the exhaust pipes according to Pollution Environment.
From the National Health School, they point out that 3% of annual mortality in Spain can be attributed to air pollution. This is 8 times those caused by traffic accidents.
However, deaths are not only the most direct consequence of pollution. The most visible consequence in everyday is in the worsening of the quality of life with increased disease. Diseases such as allergies, asmas, bronchiolitis in children, viral infections ...
All this without taking into account cancer cases caused by nitrogen oxides issued by diesel. Considered carcinogenic by WHO (World Health Organization) since 2011 after numerous studies.
But who is this responsibility?
What is clear is that pollution is invoiced. This is why, the countries that signed the Paris Agreement in 2016 have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The objective is to mitigate the effects of air pollution on our planet and our health. In this way, the Air Plan has been announced since the government. This plan includes the modification of the traffic law with the objective of improving the air quality of our cities.
However, the responsibility of stopping pollution is not exclusively in the hands of international politicians and organizations. Private companies that invest in innovation and development play a primary role. And when achieving the goal of having a cleaner planet all sum.

Finally, the most important role falls to consumers.
We are the ones who have the power to decide to change our life habits to make them more respectful of the environment.
However, most consumers need to have real alternatives that do not suppose a loss of comfort and an extra expense for the pocket before definitively changing everyday customs.
Therefore, from Next Electric Motors we want to help reduce air pollution making change to electric mobility easier with our Next NX1. An electric motorcycle with removable batteries that are recharged in any domestic plug from € 2,399.
If you have also decided to make the definitive leap to electric mobility to make our planet a better place to live. Visit ours Web And discover how to get a Next!
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