A correct maintenance and battery care of any electric vehicle is essential when lengthening its useful life. After all, it is the most important and also more expensive component. Therefore, it is worth pampering to accompany us for a longer time.
In this post we will try to give you general advice for good battery use. We will also try to solve the most common doubts with respect to the batteries of Lithium ion This is the same electric motorcycle battery as those used by the Next NX1.
Battery care: do not let them be downloaded completely
Lithium ion batteries do not have the famous "memory effect" that the old Ni-CD batteries had. This means that they will not lose load capacity if we load it again when for example 90%. In this way, it is not advisable to use the battery until it is completely exhausted since it can cause damage to the cells.
In fact, partial loads and downloads are beneficial for lithium batteries, and as a rule, it is recommended to maintain the battery between the 20% and 90% of its load To extend your useful life.
Neither cold nor heat
Fortunately in Spain we have enviable temperatures that attract millions of tourists to our country every year. But batteries and excessive heat are not good friends. Obviously, the best time to enjoy an electric motorcycle is precisely summer, and we are not going to ask you to give up that pleasure. But you have to take a series of precautions to avoid causing irreversible damage to batteries. For example, do not leave the battery to the sun or near a heat source and always load it in a fresh and dry place.
On the other hand, the cold will reduce the ability of the battery and with it its autonomy. However, this will not be a problem as long as it does not come from 0ºC.
Disconnect it when loaded
Once the load is completed, it is recommended to disconnect it from the charger. And in no case should you leave more than 12 hours loading it.
If you are not going to use it in a time
The first recommendation in this case is to get it out of the compartment to store it in a cool and dry place. The ideal would be to leave it with a load level of approximately 50%. In addition, it is recommended to check this level periodically and load it at least 1 time every 3 months.
We hope that these tips help you take care of the battery of your electric vehicles so that every day we are more people who move through our fumes without fumes.
And if you are looking for an electric motorcycle for your urban displacements, the Next NX1 It is the perfect alternative for your day to day. In our case, we use lithium batteries of Samsung. For a quality guarantee.
Think Electric Think Next.
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