Electric motorcycles have broken into our urban mobility, and this is undoubtedly, great news to reduce pollution and noise in our cities. Buying an electric motorcycle has many advantages. In addition to being a form sustainable, ecological and silent to make our daily life easier. (Go to work, shopping, gym, stay with friends, etc). To all this the traditional advantages of moving in a large city are joined: dodge the traffic and Park Always at the door wherever you go. It may seem nonsense, but in the end there are many minutes of your life that you recover from being in traffic jams and looking for parking. But well, we'll talk about that another day ...

If you are determined to buy an electric motorcycle for your daily displacements, you are in luck. We offer you a practical guide with the 5 main points that you must take into account to choose the electric motorcycle that best suits you and hit In your purchase.
Buy an electric motorcycle: factors to consider
#1: Suitable: 50cc or 125cc?
This is probably the first doubt that can arise before buying an electric motorcycle. First, it is necessary to clarify that the electric motorcycles do not have real "displacement", since they do not have cylinders. Therefore, what we are talking about is its equivalence within the legal categories that currently exist.
At this point the motorcycles could be divided into 3 groups:
- Cyclomotor (50cc).
- Scooters (125cc).
- Maxi Scooters or "Road" motorcycles.
Legally, a cyclomotor has its speed limited to 45km/h and cannot circulate on highways and highways. While a motorcycle (125cc) can circulate in any type of track and has a higher speed depending on the brand and the model.
The maximum speed of an electric scooter (125cc) depends on the brand and the model. But in most cases it is around 60-70km/h. While the maxi scooters or "road" motorcycles can reach speeds of 100-120km/h.
Therefore, you have to think about what use you are going to give your electric motorcycle and what kind of roads are you going to circulate. If you are going to use it exclusively within city, where the speed is limited to 50km/h, perhaps the best option is a cyclomotor, since they are cheaper and pay less taxes.
But if you need to circulate on highways or highways in your day to day, you should opt for electric models type Maxi Scooter or "Road" motorcycles. With a "normal" 125cc scooter you can fall short on highways.
#2: Autonomy
This is the critical point in the choice of your electric motorcycle.
On average, a person usually does 15-20kms a day.
To see your particular case, you must think how many kilometers you travel average a day. This is as easy as introducing your daily paths into Google Maps and add their distance.
Once you have this data, you will know if the model you like can follow your daily rhythm and how many days you must load your battery.
At this point, you can also consider the possibility of loading the battery in your destination, either in the office, the gym or in a bar. That is, you don't have to load it at home.
And this leads us to the next point.
#3: Extractable battery and recharge points
A key point that you must check when buying your electric motorcycle is whether the model you like can be recharged in any conventional plug. This is key because you will not need to install a special load taking as with most electric cars and you will save a good peak of money.
In addition, if the batteries are Extractable, you will not need to have a garage to load it. Since you can take the battery out of the motorcycle and load it in any plug that you have at hand. In this way, you have at your disposal the world's wider recharge points.
#4: Recharge time
This variable must be taken into account to know if we spend enough time in the place where we are going to usually load it to recharge the battery.
The recharge time of an electric motorcycle varies depending on the model you choose, but 4-6 hours is a very common figure in the models that are currently in the market. So in most cases we spend more than 6 hours at home or at work.
In the event that you did not have enough time to load it, or would not want to wait to load it, a good solution is to have the possibility of acquiring additional batteries. In this way, you can use one battery while carrying the other. You would only have to change one for the other to continue circulating. In this case, you must make sure that the motorcycle batteries you like are 100% interchangeable.
#5: Price-Autonomy ratio
This is a ratio that almost nobody tells you when you are going to buy an electric vehicle, and it is the key when making the smartest purchase.
It consists of doing the following operation: (purchase price) / (km of autonomy). For example, the car with the best relationship Price-autonomy has € 93 per kilometer. It is important not to confuse this data with the consumption of the vehicle or the cost of recharge. It is rather the equivalent of the ratio price quality but applied to electric vehicles.
Obviously, the lower the figure you get better. This will mean that you are buying more kilometers of autonomy for less money.

If you have read here, you will have proven that the key to hitting your new electric motorcycle is to know each one's needs and the majority use that we are going to give. Making a car simile, it is so bad to buy a utility to make formula 1 races such as buying a supercar to go for bread.
If you are looking for a motorcycle 100% urban, the Next NX1 It is perfect for you. In addition to having removable and rechargeable batteries in any normal plug, it has the Best price-autonomy ratio market with just € 20 per kilometer of autonomy (€ 2,699 / 130kms) in the PowerPack version with 2 interchangeable batteries.
Do not think about it anymore and help us to make our most sustainable cities.
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