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Electric motorcycle battery: operation

Electric motorcycle battery: a great stranger.

The battery of an electric vehicle is a key element for its proper functioning and largely determines its performance and autonomy. However, there is still a great general ignorance about how the battery packs that feed any electric vehicle are built. Therefore, in this post we will explain its basic functioning and how they are configured to give us the characteristics we are looking for.

Electric motorcycle battery: basic concepts

To begin with, it is convenient to make it clear that a battery pack such as those carried by the Next NX1It is composed of cells attached to each other. These cells are the minimum battery unit that we can use to build a complete pack. In addition, not all cells are equal and each brand and cell model has characteristics that define its performance. The main ones are voltage (V), capacity (ah) and weight (g).

On the other hand, the cells can connect them in series or parallel. If we connect them in series, that is, one behind the other as if it were a train, what we are doing is add the voltage of the individual cells keeping the capacity the same. However, by connecting them in parallel we do the opposite process, we keep the voltage the same and accumulate capacity.

Parallel connection. Source:

And what do we look for the cells in one way or another?

Well, basically, when connecting in series and increasing the voltage we can feed more powerful electric motors. If on the contrary, we connect in parallel we will be gaining autonomy of the electric vehicle.

The usual thing in the industry is to make a combination of cells in parallel and in series so that we can achieve the voltage and adequate capacity for the characteristics of our vehicle and all this in the lowest space and with the least possible weight.

For example, the Next NX1 It has a battery pack with a 60V20ah configuration in a weight contained in just 9kg. Which allows to have an ultralight and very comfortable battery to be extracted and transported for home recharge or work.

If you want to know all the technical characteristics of the NX1 we explain them to you in this video. Discover all its advantages in the Web page.

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