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Electric motorcycle price. Better option?

In these moments of change in mobility, in which society we are gradually opting for a more sustainable transport is inevitable not to question this question: What price does an electric motorcycle have?

Electric motorcycle price - Next NX1

Well, the price of an electric motorcycle will vary according to various factors. For example, what displacement does the motorcycle have? How many batteries does the motorcycle wear? What autonomy do you have? And the most important, What is included in the price?. Since, normally, enrollment, motorcycle sending and insurance will not be included in the price of it.

"The NEXT NX1 has a 3 -year warranty including batteries, so you don't have to worry about anything! "

On the other hand, it is also very important to review the guarantee that the motorcycle will have, and if this guarantee applies to the batteries. The Next NX1 has 2 years of guarantee including batteries, so you don't have to worry about anything!
Finally, the delivery time and if they have stock or not. With Next the stock is always guaranteed and you will receive your motorcycle between 24 and 72 hours In the case of non -enrolled and in about 10 days if you choose the enrollment option.

"NX1 includes free shipping, registration and insurance for only 2299 euros."


The amount of an electric motorcycle rounds from 2,300 euros to just over 6,000 euros according to the displacement. Since it is not the same one of 49cc as one of 125 cc. The main difference between the two is that the second can circulate on highways and highways while the first does not.

For example. The NX1 of Next Electric Motors Includes free shipping, and we also give you insurance with the company Helvetia the first year! And all this for only 2,399 euros all inclusive.
Thus, you will only have to worry about receiving it and giving it gas.
In addition, you will be helping in the fight against climate change by moving well for work or leisure in a sustainable way.

Other market electric motorcycles

There are also several other motorcycles in the market, as is the case of Silence, Velca or New, we will see their prices:

Silence: In this brand we find three different models, and its price ranges from 3,200 euros (model S02 Slow Speed) to 6,250 euros (model S01)
Velca: In this case, Velca has 4 different models with prices ranging from 2,500 euros to 5,200 euros.
Super Soco: This brand for its part has 3 motorcycle models that vary from 2,595 euros to 3,095 euros.

CONCLUSIONS - Is the electric motorcycle a good purchase?

Without a doubt, it is.

Not only because the price of the electric motorcycle vs the normal motorcycle is practically the same. But because with this purchase you will be saving:

  • Time: to go to respond, since the battery is rechargeable in a normal plug. Charge while you sleep!
  • Money: A normal deposit that they take 10 - 12 euros of gasoline will be recharging comfortably at your home for 0.20 cents the recharge.
  • CO2 emissions: And you will be reducing your carbon footprint
  • MAINTENANCE: You won't have to change filters, oil ... only brake pads and wheels when required.

Think no more! Stop by electric motor and discover the savings in addition to moving in a sustainable way.

Think Electric - Think Next