Do you use the subway to go to work or move around the city?
It is a reality that Public transport reaches any point in the city and that is a medium Perfect to move. But you have stopped the money you could save moving on your own electric motorcycle instead of using public transport?
We do and we sign it in this post;)

With your own motorcycle electric you have a means of transport:
- Sustainable
- Without agglomerations
- Without waiting
- Without Covid-19 stress
- With ease of parking
- You have it at the door of your house and parks directly to your destination
- And it can be yours For less than what costs you a simple round trip ticket
You can have your own electric motorcycle Next NX1 for only € 2.3 per day

As you have seen, in addition to saving a few euros with your own motorcycle, you can save you a lot of time and other inconveniences that are now listed now:
- It takes average 6 minutes to go to the nearest stop and that is to add the 10 minutes average waiting for the next meter to arrive:
According to an analysis From the urban mobility application "Moovit", users take average:
6 minutes walking at the stop + 11 minutes waiting = 17 minutes per journey Until you go up to the subway in Madrid
?? (34 minutes of a half round trip to walk at the stop and wait for the subway)
7 minutes walking at the stop + 9 minutes waiting = 16 minutes per journey Until you go up to the subway in Barcelona
?? (32 minutes of a half round trip to walk at the stop and wait for the subway)

- TIME THAT TARKS ON EACH TRAJECT. A long time is lost due to a way because of the stops made by public transport. According to the same “Moovit” study, Metro users in Madrid take an average of 46 minutes on each journey, being from 36 minutes in Barcelona:
?? 46 minutes per route in Madrid = 92 minutes round trip
?? 36 minutes per route in Barcelona = 72 minutes round trip

- AGLOMERATIONS AND AGOBIES IN PUPPORT TIME. Despite the restrictions of COVID-19 public transport in large cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, continues to suffer from agglomerations at peak hours.
In addition, according to scientists and administrators, they advise to be silent in trains and buses to avoid the emission of particles in the air (Don’t Touch. Don’t Talk) ?

In summary, the average time from home until you get to your destination by public transport is 63 minutes per route.
17 minutes (reach the stop and waiting time) + 46 minutes (subway journey) = 63 minutes per route
126 minutes round trip = more than 2 hours a day on 2 journeys!
The time you would take the same journey with your own electric motorcycle is:
22 minutes on average per route = 44 minutes round trip
Reserve you Next NX1 O Ask for an appointment to try it HERE
Think Electric, Think Next!