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World Environmental Education Day.

January 26: World Environmental Education Day.

Today we celebrate World Environmental Education Day. As every January 26, this day is celebrated that aims to make public a latent problem as great as the conservation and protection of the environment. In addition to this, this day aims to educate and raise awareness among societies and governments towards the care of our mother earth.

World Environmental Education Day had its origin from the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Environment witnessed in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 1972. It discussed the vital importance of preserving the medium environment and the need for a common front was exposed that offered society an inspiration and guide to preserve and improve our environment.

The main objectives of this day are:

  • Raise awareness among individual people, and sensitize them to the environmental problems that surround them. Make them participants and thinking people in the search for real solutions.
  • Environmental education in societies. It is intended to highlight the importance between human and nature. Educating is always the previous step to prevention.
  • Show real environmental figures so that, with information in the hands, people can make decisions that each one considers more correct.
  • Finally, press governments and institutions to put real and sensible measures and solutions to the environmental crisis we suffer on our planet.

Human Development VS Environmental Conservation

At this point in Next, we question what the line between human development and environmental conservation is. Can they coexist respecting each other? And, above all, are we humans able to evolve without damaging the environment?
It is evident that many factors have contributed to the currently our pollution rates are exorbitant and planet Earth is suffering. Without a doubt, one of those factors is human development in the most literal sense.

During the years of the Industrial Revolution, little or nothing we care about regarding the environment and sustainability. At that time, well due to ignorance due to discomfort, everything was manufactured and distributed without any environmental standard.

On the other hand, already more advanced over time, we find the big problem of hyper-consumism of the current population. Do we really need everything we consume? A matter more than debated by all.

Another great environmental problem is caused by fossil fuels and thermal motors. Little or nothing sustainable fuels over time.

In short, the migration of rural areas to cities, industrialization, hyper consumerism, fossil fuels ... Is human development a ballast for the environment?

More aware than a few years ago

Fortunately, both societies and governments are increasingly aware of our planet. We are not only advancing to continue, but to do it in a sustainable way.
We bought less and less. We have bought again in the markets. We have fixed things again, to paint old furniture, to local tourism.
We care about reducing our carbon footprint, with small day -to -day gestures. We want our mobility to be electric and sustainable, as the alternative that ne Electric Motors proposes.
We are interested in eating healthy, returning to the origins.

And is that according to a study of the center Unesco of the Basque Country: "The environmental crisis", the "development crisis" and the "energy crisis" are just one. "

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